
In today’s environment, it’s important to offer your customers a multi-channeled approach to digitally connect with your pharmacy. Customers have come to expect an easy to use online experience. At Amjay Software, we offer solutions that enable your customers to stay connected to your store 24/7. 

Central Profile

Central Profile is a comprehensive pharmacy platform that connects patients to pharmacy and allows real time access to Medication Profiles. It encompasses different modules that create workflow efficiencies across the pharmacy landscape. Central Profile integrates with your existing dispensary system to ensure workflows remain unchanged. 


Simple Business Solutions for Pharmacy

 One Click Ordering. Patients simply select the medications they want to refill and click confirm. The refill order automatically shows up in the “To-do” section of the pharmacy system.
 Detailed Drug Information.  Patients can view useful information such as the name of the drug with picture, dosage, quantity of repeats, counselling and allergies. Great convenience when they are on vacation or at the emergency room.
 Increased Customer Loyalty. Increases customer loyalty and patient safety by providing 24/7 access to their profile.
 Pharmacy Enrolment. The pharmacist enrolls a patient when they visit the store. The patient receives a card with their login information.
 Visual and Personalized Ordering With their login information, patients view their medication profile from your pharmacy’s website.
 Mobile Integration.  All the features and functionalities – personalized for the iPhone and Android.

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